The Shotgun House Returns Home to Ocean Park
On Saturday, March 29 at approximately 8 am, Santa Monica’s 1890s shotgun house moved to its new permanent location on Second Street across from the Ocean Park Library, ending more than a decade in storage.

Moving Day
The public is invited to witness the house as it is towed on a flatbed trailer from 16th and Colorado to its final destination at 2nd Street and Norman Place. Click the link Moving Flyer for a map of the route.
A Teaching Moment
The Conservancy has put together an activity guide for local schoolchildren that uses our “Moving Day” to help students think through the process of a house moving and changes in the local community. The activity booklet was created to teach children about historic preservation and sustainability. The guide describes the importance of the Shotgun House, how it will be moved, and how to prolong a structure’s lifespan through reuse. Click here to view the activity guide: House on the Move Guide.
A House on the Move
Fourteen years ago a largely unaltered 1890s shotgun house was nearly demolished and with it an important part of Santa Monica history. But due to the combined efforts of concerned residents, the former Ocean Park Community Organization (OPCO), the Church at Ocean Park, the Santa Monica Conservancy, and the City of Santa Monica, the house was saved and designated a landmark. Now, after more than a decade in storage, the house will move to its permanent site on Second Street across from the Ocean Park Library where it will soon become the Conservancy’s Preservation Resource Center. It will take its place among a cluster of other historic buildings, including the California Heritage Museum, Merle Norman Cosmetics office, the Carnegie branch library, and the Third Street Neighborhood Historic District.
The transformation of the Shotgun House into a Preservation Resource Center is supported by a $1.6 million fundraising campaign that includes hiring the Conservancy’s first executive director and expanding programming and community education. The Resource Center will be a clearinghouse for practical, user-friendly information about historic resources in Santa Monica and the methods and benefits of preserving older buildings while serving as a model for how older structures can serve contemporary needs.
About the Shotgun House
Click here to learn more about the history of the Shotgun House.
Those Who Have Helped Us Get This Far
Foundations + Grants
Ahmanson Foundation Mesa West Foundation
Dudley T. Dougherty Foundation National Trust for Historic Preservation
Friends of Heritage Preservation Ralph M. Parsons Foundation
Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors,
3rd District
In-Kind Contributions
Brummitt Energy Associates, Inc. John Merchak Painting
The City of Santa Monica Mary Effron Landscape Design
Cox Paint Merrihew’s Sunset Gardens
Crown Disposal Co, Inc. Minardos Group
Engineering Economics, Inc. Nels Stemm, Fairview Partners
Fonda-Bonardi and Hohman Architects Scott Christiansen + Associates
GBWORKS/Zinner Consultants Smith Pipe Supply Inc.
Harding Larmore Kutcher and Kozal Snyder Diamond
Historic Resources Group Spectra Company
Armbruster, Goldsmith + Delvac, LLP Levin + Associates
Charmont Partners LTD/The Sovereign Morley Builders
Restoration Partners Southern CA Edison
Harding Larmore Kutcher + Kozal, LLP
Major Individual Funding Partners
Anonymous Nina + Rob Fresco
AM Allen Tom Fuller + William Kelly
Margaret + Danilo Bach Ruthann + Bob Lehrer
Barry + Sharla Boehm Carol Lemlein + Eric Natwig
Joel Brand + Kristina Deutsch Mary Marlow + Mark Kreher
Ken Breisch + Judy Keller Steve + Christy McAvoy
Sara + Robert Cannon Susan + Kevin McCarthy
Tom Cleys Carole + Sid Meltzner
Mike Deasy George Minardos
Willam Delvac Neary Family
Kaitlin Drisko + Bob Knight Nancy O’Neill
Clare + Jim Ellinger Laurel Schmidt + Dunford King
Leah + Sam Fischer Barbara Whitney + Kate Whitney Schubb
David + Barbara Kaplan Rolfe Wyer + Doris Sosin
Sherrill Kushner John Zinner
Additional support was contributed by many generous businesses and individuals who will be recognized at the grand opening of the Preservation Resource Center.
Have you made a donation? Click here to make your contribution today! Your gift – of any amount – will help make the Preservation Resource Center a success, educating the community about the why, the how, and the benefits of historic preservation!
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