Students learn the story of the Shotgun House from Docent Mario Fonda Bonardi © Sasha Renee Photography
The Santa Monica Conservancy protects the places we love. We are a nonprofit dedicated to promoting widespread understanding and appreciation of the cultural, social, economic and environmental benefits of historic preservation.
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Focus On

This summer we are expanding free walk-in hours at the Shotgun House in Ocean Park as part of a new initiative to engage the community in a series of events, tours, classes and community gatherings that spotlight the rich cultural heritage of Santa Monica.

Try out the new Third Street Walk, on Sunday, August 11th! Click HERE for details and to register.

And check the calendar for specific listings or click HERE for more information about our summer schedule.

Upcoming Events

Search for historic resources throughout Santa Monica

Preservation Resource Center
at the Shotgun House

The PRC will be open for free, in-person tours on July 13-14 & July 27-28, from noon to 2 p.m.
2520 2nd Street
Santa Monica, CA
Explore the last intact shotgun house in Santa Monica, which now serves as an award-winning Preservation Resource Center for our community. Built in 1897, the little house features three original rooms where you can explore Santa Monica history and learn about preservation. Look behind the walls and the floor to reveal vintage materials, and see if you can find the one original window in the Shotgun House. learn more →


Conservancy Launches Ocean Park Neighborhood Initiative

A host of new programs and outreach efforts celebrate the Conservancy’s headquarters at the Shotgun House just off Main Street in Ocean Park as a center for neighborhood ... more

Spies in Santa Monica: Target Douglas Aircraft, by Ronald Drabkin

Historian, author and West LA native Ronald Drabkin reveals some of Douglas Aircraft and the historic Associated Telephone Building’s WWII era secrets in the following article, adapted from ... more

Advocacy Alert: A New Opportunity for Samohi's English Building

The Santa Monica Conservancy strongly supports the School District’s plans to modernize Santa Monica High School’s (Samohi) 100 year-old English Building for school uses. In historic preservation terms, ... more

Santa Monica Conservancy Nominates Civic Auditorium to National Register of Historic Places: Opens Door for Additional Preservation Incentives

Read the Application here. The Conservancy strongly supports preservation and revitalization of Santa Monica’s Civic Auditorium. As a community benefit, historic preservation provides a framework and toolkit for developing community ... more

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