Author Archives: Robin Tung

by Nan Friedman, Beach House Venue Manager This article was originally published on on September 14, 2021. This summer, the California Preservation Foundation announced the Annenberg Community Beach House is a recipient of the 2021 Preservation Design Award in … more

The Santa Monica Conservancy has been reporting on a new City Council initiative, adopted on May 11, 2021, to cover the historic murals inside the City Hall lobby with a fabric scrim, and “recontextualize” the cultural history of the Tongva … more

Continuing a long tradition of African Methodist Episcopal (A.M.E.) churches in the United States, the First A.M.E. Church, Santa Monica, celebrates its 100th anniversary this September. The original African Methodist Episcopal Church was established in 1787 in response to racial … more

by Ruthann Lehrer, Advocacy Committee Co-Chair A stunning development: On July 12th, the Landmarks Commission was informed that the City would go ahead and install fabric screens over the historic murals inside City Hall, bypassing the legally required review by … more

by Ruthann Lehrer, Advocacy Committee Co-Chair The interior public lobby of City Hall as well as its architecture are protected historic resources designated in 1979, and the Stanton MacDonald-Wright murals are specifically identified as important features. The Municipal Code defines … more

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