News & Advocacy

City Posts FAQS for Designation of the Civic Auditorium as Surplus Land

August 2, 2023

On July 21st, the City posted information on their public website to explain the Surplus Land Act and provide current information as to how this applies to the sale/lease of the Civic Auditorium. On July 26 this was updated to indicate that there is one proposal being reviewed from SMMUSD and that proposal is being reviewed in closed session.

Click here to read the City’s FAQS for Designation of the Civic Auditorium as Surplus Land.

The Conservancy remains committed to the preservation of the landmark Civic Auditorium and any proposal for adaptive reuse and rehabilitation should follow the Secretary of the Interior Standards such that the historic resource retains integrity as an important work of architecture and cultural heritage for the community.

There is much public discussion around the status of the Civic at this time due the lack of transparency surrounding the process; the City should provide further information to the public.

We encourage the City to be forthcoming with information about any sale/lease proposals such that the Conservancy can confirm for the community that historic preservation goals are being met.

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