
Announcing the 2023 Preservation Award Winners!

June 12, 2023

During our Annual Meeting on June 10, we recognized seven exemplary contributors to the preservation of Santa Monica’s architectural and cultural heritage. The awards were announced by members of the Awards Committee including David Kaplan (chair), Margarita Jerabek, Ruthann Lehrer, and Carol Lemlein. Special guest, Councilmember Caroline Torosis, and Conservancy Board President Tom Cleys presented the awards to each project team and individual honoree.

2023 Preservation Award Winners
Cultural Heritage Award: Broadway to Freeway: Life and Times of a Vibrant Community, Santa Monica History Museum with the Quinn Research Center
Cultural Heritage Award: Culture Mapping 90404, 18th Street Arts Center
Rehabilitation and Adaptive Reuse Award: Sears Building
Rehabilitation Award: The Georgian Hotel
Media Award: The Street Seen, Mark Gorman
Volunteer Award: Catherine Conkle
Volunteer Award: Robin Venturelli

Click here to read all about this year’s winning projects and individuals, who collectively  demonstrate that the field of historic preservation in Santa Monica is multidisciplinary, collaborative, creative, and rooted in authentic storytelling about people and place.

The Conservancy congratulates these exemplary individuals, organizations, and teams for their preservation, advocacy, and stewardship in our city!

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