News & Advocacy

Santa Monica City Council Candidates Weigh In on Historic Preservation

October 12, 2022

City Council members make crucial decisions – on landmark nominations that are appealed, on zoning constraints and incentives, and on other matters affecting the survival of our cultural resources. To help our members and friends evaluate the candidates’ understanding and knowledge of their important role in protecting and revitalizing our cultural heritage, we sent them each the same questionnaire:

1. What direct experience, if any, have you had with historic preservation locally or elsewhere? Please describe.

2. What do you see as the biggest barrier to Santa Monica’s stated goal of preserving its historic, architectural, and cultural resources? What obstacles or disincentives to historic preservation are you aware of?

3. In response to City budget deficits, City Council set up a full cost recovery system for all City applications, including for landmark designations. The current fees, around $6,000 to nominate a property for designation, are among the highest in the state. What are your views about this system?

Click here to read answers from: Whitney Baine, Albin Gielicz, Troy Harris, Armen Melkonians, Samantha Mota, Ellis Raskin, Caroline Torosis, Natalya Zernitskaya, and Jesse Zwick.

NOTE: All responses have been gently edited for clarity. Responses were not received from Jonathan Lewis Mann or Lana Negrete.

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