Author Archives: Robin Tung

The Santa Monica Conservancy will be providing a weekly newsletter while much of our world is shut down due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Each week, we will bring you digital resources related to preservation with the aim of helping you … more

The Santa Monica Conservancy will be providing a weekly newsletter while much of our world is shut down due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Each week, we will bring you digital resources related to preservation with the aim of helping you … more

Members and Friends, Thank you for your ongoing support. It is because of your interest in preservation that we have been able to achieve the many accomplishments that define the Conservancy. Your feedback has kept us focused and your support–whether … more

New Board Leadership

March 2, 2020

The Board of the Conservancy elected new leadership at its retreat in November 2019.  The new officers are:  Tom Cleys, President, was the Conservancy’s founding President and has served as Treasurer over the last 17 years. He recently retired as … more

Our March Newsletter is now available. Discover exciting preservation events, the latest preservation issues, features on the people and places of historic Santa Monica and much more. To view past issues, click here. In this issue: Annual Meeting & Awards on … more

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