
City Hall Murals: Acknowledge + Reframe Together

March 10, 2022

Your support empowered the successful advocacy to stop the City Hall murals from being covered. Santa Monica Cultural Affairs staff is moving ahead with community outreach and engagement through the launch of a new initiative, Acknowledge + Reframe Together (Reframe), which will support art and civic memory projects that center community voices with the aim of creating a more just and equitable Santa Monica. The Santa Monica Conservancy encourages your participation.

Photos: Historical Marker Database

In particular, Reframe will focus on centering the voices and experiences of communities of color who have been historically excluded from discourse about representation in Civic spaces. Belmar History + Art (2019-2021) was a demonstration project that inspired this initiative, and Santa Monica Cultural Affairs is now embarking on a public engagement process around the WPA-era murals by Stanton McDonald-Wright in the historic City Hall lobby.

This will include gathering a diverse array of voices and perspectives through a series of community conversations and art activations, with the goal of commissioning new artworks that will convey more of this land’s history and better express our community’s values today.

The survey seeks to learn more about people’s ties to Santa Monica and their reflections on place and belonging. Please respond at the link below to help shape discussions and activities regarding the City Hall murals going forward!


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