Call for Nominations: 2018 Preservation Awards
Every year the Conservancy celebrates the preservation of Santa Monica’s architectural and cultural heritage by honoring exemplary projects and contributions.
Since 2004, award-winning projects have included residences, commercial and institutional buildings, from small to large, ranging from restoration, renovation, rehabilitation, and adaptive reuse to contemporary additions to historic buildings and homes. Awards are also presented to individuals for their stewardship of historic properties as well as for community service contributions as volunteers and advocates of preservation.
The awards presentation will be held at the Conservancy’s 2018 Annual Meeting. Don’t miss this spectacular event as we celebrate, recognize, and are inspired by the people and the projects that bring preservation to life in Santa Monica. A complete history of the Preservation Awards can be found here.
Nominate a person, structure or group for a 2018 Award! Send an email to [email protected] by January 31 and include:
- A brief description of the individual, organization or project, and why you believe it warrants an award. A specific award category can be included in your proposal, but is not mandatory.
- Your contact information (name, address, phone number).
- A photo of the site if possible.
Past winners: Horatio West Court, John and Anna George House, and Brecht House. Photos courtesy of DUB Studios and Brian Thomas Jones.
Preservation Awards Guidelines:
You don’t need to specify what category you think fits your nomination, but the definitions below may be helpful:
Restoration: work to bring a building back to its historically authentic condition.
Rehabilitation: a broad term meaning bringing a historic resource back into service.
Renovation: includes remodeling and renewing, and can include the addition of contemporary design elements to a historic structure.
Adaptive Reuse: the adaptation of a historic structure to a new use, ideally with minimal impact on the structure’s character-defining features.
Stewardship: long-term care and maintenance of a historic building or place.
Volunteer and Service: recognition for outstanding contributions by individuals and groups in preservation efforts with the Santa Monica Conservancy.
President’s Award: recognition for an outstanding contribution by an individual or group that exemplifies excellence in commitment to preservation, stewardship, and/or promoting Santa Monica’s history.
David G. Cameron Preservation Award: an exceptional honor, named in memory of one of Santa Monica’s pre-eminent preservationists, presented only when the occasion merits – “to individuals or organizations in recognition of their outstanding accomplishments in preserving Santa Monica’s unique heritage, and for promoting the value of historic preservation in the City.”
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