
Another Grant for the Preservation Resource Center

July 18, 2012

The Friends of Heritage Preservation (FOHP) recently awarded the Conservancy a $7500 grant toward the rehabilitation of the Shotgun House as a Preservation Resource Center.

Founded in 1998, FOHP is a small, private association of individuals who seek to promote cultural identity through the preservation of significant endangered artistic and historic works, artifacts and sites. Past grants in the U.S. have been made to Frank Lloyd Wright’s Ennis House in Los Angeles and Taos Pueblo in New Mexico. More information about the Friends can be found on their website

The FOHP grant, like that received from the National Trust’s Los Angeles County Preservation Fund in 2011, will be applied toward rehabilitation of the landmark building. This work will be done according to the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards, following the recommendations of a report prepared for the Conservancy by Historic Resources Group and partially funded by an earlier grant from the National Trust. It will include removal of glass block and other non-historic elements, rehabilitation of the porch including replacement of the missing corbels, and new double-hung windows compatible with the one remaining original window. A small addition will be built on the rear of the structure with additional work space and an accessible bathroom.

The Shotgun House has been in storage since it was removed from its original site at 2712 2nd Street in 2002. It will be relocated to the parking lot adjacent to the Ocean Park Library at 2520 2nd Street. The parking lot is presently being reconfigured to accommodate the house and expand the parking capacity from 11 to 12 spaces.

When the rehabilitation is complete, the Shotgun House will be operated by the Conservancy as a Preservation Resource Center. It will be a place where workshops and technical assistance are provided to the public and where Conservancy board members and volunteers will meet to plan educational programs and other activities that promote the preservation and reuse of historic structures.

Individuals or organizations who are able to help with this project in any capacity –- as volunteers, by providing in-kind services and materials, or as early financial contributors — may contact the Conservancy by email to [email protected] or by leaving a message at 310-496-3146.


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