JB Building

Known As
Art Deco, Classical Revival, Churrigueresque
1441 - 1443 Fourth Street
Santa Monica, CA 90401

The façade of this building is a true original and a delight to the eye. It seems assembled from different patternbooks rather than from one stylistic type. The building owner, John Bisch, whose initials are emblazoned at the top of the structure, may have created this entertaining façade. Art Deco sign of the period appears at the roofline and in the floral cascades. Classical Revival ornamentation frames two windows, and the side bays are scored into diamonds. The unique piers contain symmetrical hearts forming a square dense enough to appear Churrigueresque.

Until recently, these rich designs were obscured by a metal grille that was applied in 1969. Removal of the grille and restoration of the façade indicates new appreciation for historic originals– even the eccentric ones.


  1. Santa Monica Conservancy. “Downtown Walking Tour.”