Author Archives: Robin Tung

The Santa Monica Conservancy recognized eight exemplary contributors to the preservation of Santa Monica’s architectural and cultural heritage. The Awards Committee congratulates the families, businesses and individuals for their preservation, stewardship, advocacy and volunteer work in our city. Take a … more

The Santa Monica Conservancy will be providing a weekly newsletter while much of our world is shut down due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Each week, we will bring you digital resources related to preservation with the aim of helping you … more

Two weeks ago, we reached out for your support in helping to save the Landmarks Commission. The impact of the global health crisis on our City and its historic preservation program has resulted in a restructured budget. It prioritizes essential … more

Discover the history and architecture of the Marion Davies Guest House at the Annenberg Community Beach House. Designed by California’s first woman architect, Julia Morgan, the estate was built in the 1920s for actress and philanthropist Marion Davies by media … more

Discover the architectural qualities and charm of five vintage homes throughout Santa Monica. more

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