Author Archives: Robin Tung

Landmarks Commission Report

December 8, 2019

by Ruthann Lehrer and Carol Lemlein, Advocacy Co-Chairs The Landmarks Commission reviewed five Mills Act Contract submissions in August and recommended them to City Council for adoption. The Mills Act is a state law that enables cities to enter into … more

Our December Newsletter is now available. Discover exciting preservation events, the latest preservation issues, features on the people and places of historic Santa Monica and much more. To view past issues, click here. In this issue: Our Holiday Party on December … more

The Santa Monica Conservancy is launching its newest affinity group– Preservation Next– with tours of the 1920s Marion Davies Guest House and a reception. Preservation Next aims to foster the next generation of preservationists by celebrating the architectural heritage of … more

Our September Newsletter is now available. Discover exciting preservation events, the latest preservation issues, features on the people and places of historic Santa Monica and much more. To view past issues, click here. In this issue: Our South Beach Tour … more

On August 13, Santa Monica City Council upheld the Landmark Commission designation of the John Parkinson residence at 808 Woodacres Road by a vote of 6-0 with one member absent. Speakers supporting the designation included Stephen Gee, author of a … more

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