2018 Theodore Payne Native Plant Garden Tour

- When
This event is in the past
Apr 14 10:00am – Apr 15 5:00pm, 2018
- Location
- 10459 Tuxford Street Sun Valley, CA 91352
This two-day self-guided journey explores 45 of the region’s most beautiful and inspiring private and public landscapes, including the Santa Monica Conservancy’s Shotgun House garden, which will be featured on Saturday, April 14.
All gardens on this tour contain at least 50% native plants. Each garden is a labor of love, a place created in harmony with southern California’s climate, soil, natural vegetation and native wildlife.
The gardens are divided into two groups: one open Saturday and the other open Sunday. At each location, you’ll meet garden owners, designers and docents. Use the descriptions and icons on this site to plan your personalized excursion, choosing 4-7 gardens to visit each day at a leisurely pace.
Tickets are purchased on-site and good for both days at specific check-in locations. For more details and a map of all garden locations, click here.
The Theodore Payne Foundation for Wild Flowers & Native Plants, a 501(c)(3) organization established in 1960, re-wilds Southern California by bringing native plants back into our cities, creating habitat that supports local ecosystems, and helping people embrace our shared natural heritage.